
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

YeAr tWeNtY eLeVen!!!

Is the time where everybody likes celebration for welcoming New Year and badeing farewell to the old days? It’s the time when I even get more excited to celebrate especially on the Eve, so did I on the very night of 31/12/2010 which would be saved in one of my memoir in life. On that very night I ate to fullest and drank to fullest with my friends and cousins.
Bon fire is what I prefer during celebration for I like lying outside counting stars and consciously looking after the shooting stars which are high above me.
Exactly at 12:00 the count down started ….10...9...8...7…6...5...4...3...2...1.   “HAPPY NEW YEAR” was the first word for the New Year twenty eleven. My friends and cousins stood around the bon fire and blew the candle first from cake and latter tossed the glasses of wine. CHEERS FOR 2011! Wow I can still the sensation in me still. I ought to freeze the moment but TIME counts for it waits for none. Seriously it was a beautiful moment which I would cherish it through out my life and someday later in my life I would think about it and smile thinking how beautiful those days were.
Without realizing the passage of time and days, the very New Year (2011) took the turn of 2010… somebody did really told me …Time really does fly…
Hopefully may this year 2011 be a glories and prosperous one for every individual, let no bad omen fall upon them, all I can do is simply pray for the best in each and every field people take part in. May god please people with good health and be able to enrich their dreams without obstacles and hurdles. God bless the farmers with fruitful harvest, officials with promotion, and students with excellence and myself  being best of best! He he. Let people think and act cheerfully, look with positive intention, speck with inner conviction, listen with intense attention, so that they will feel cheerful throughout twenty eleven…

SumMary Of My wiNter BrEak

My break for the year 2010-2011 would be one of the most engaging that I have ever experienced in my life till now. The busiest schedule, tiresome period, boredom, excitements, melancholy, fatigue made my holiday complete and in fact the most educative one. I did learn the value of TIME, hardship of LIFE and struggle to earn MONEY. Life sounds pretty cool and teaches one life lesson when one is in the busiest state, so am I too. It’s true that time doesn’t really wait for anybody else rather we got to run after time. I feel that TIME should be placed in the highest rank if people were suppose to rank the most vital thing that plays in one’s daily life.  During my holiday I got NO TIME TO STAND & STARE. All I had to do was simply had to follow time as per my schedule.
Exactly at 6; 00 am my eerie alarm starts to ring to its fullest tone disturbing me mercilessly without having any mercy upon me, Poor Me! My morning would start with the sluggish mode. Unwillingly I have to rush up to toilet to freshen myself for I had to go to my OFFICE (DNC) early in the morning since I was doing internship for 2 months under Japanese Headquarter. My After freshening myself I had to travel one journey to my office site, no wonder I had to wake up so early.
Before my journey starts my work starts from my home, preparing lunchbox for myself. The journey to my office use to be tiresome one. After reaching to office I had no work to do specifically, all that I had to do was to do some excel work, make coffee for my Boss & guest and maintain hygiene in my office & bla bla bla…my work wasn’t hectic but the time schedule was kind of complicated.
We (myself & my colleagues) use to spent out leisure time READING,WRITING,LEARNING JAPANESE LANGUAGE,MAINTAINING PROFIL etc & at the most we use to eat a lot, Mimi & Parl-G biscuits was the most often to eat , YES I did enjoyed working in office for I got to know many people inclusive of Japanese people. Our Japanese boss was cute & hansumu as well but with HOT BLOODED, he was ill-tempered man but got alright within no time, however I never had any hard feelings for that for t believe NO HUMAN BEINGS ARE BORN WITHOUT BLOODY ATTITUDE “ EGO COUNTS”.
After facing much hardship in doing that job I made pretty good amount for my pocket money.
I am HAPPY J & CONTENT with the work that that I have done this holiday, its was enjoyable & was educative as well, thus I am obligated to the STAFFS Of DNC. THANK YOU!!! And lastly I am defiantly sure that due to the above mention stuffs such as Reading, Writing, Learning, Experience is surely gona favor me in my future & hopefully let me go higher & higher..

TeNzin TshEring DeNkar!!!


I wouldn’t have known the in-depth gist of so called Life, Dream and Future if “HE” was not there to teach me those concepts in my life lately. Yes Literary I knew the meaning of those three words but I simply had a very negative stereotype feeling about it and moreover I lacked to conceptualize in one’s daily life. I never believed in those three words, I believed that those words were just fake and illusion.                                                                                                                      Before I actually knew the meaning of LIFE all I felt about life was as Hardship, more or less it’s suppose to be like ‘Survival of Fittest’, who ever deserves to live they got to pull up their socks and work hard exclusive of those weaker section of people. Life consist of full of Loop Holes, which really sucked people and sometimes I hated being born in here.              BUT now after having taught the lesson about life I kinda find it pretty good, I fell blessed for having born here, from now I pray for my soul’s good wheel, whatever I do I wana do it to fullest no matter to whatever extend I have to face the challenge. I want to cultivate the Motto of Barack Obama in me which say’s “YES We CAN”. I seriously wana make my life worth living and someday latter when I leave this earth I wana create a Beautiful impression in people’s mind. Though it Sounds ‘strange’ yet I wana prove it ‘Right’                                                                                                                               I hated DREAMING and thinking about FUTURE.  Dreams are just like fairy tale, at last when this very Dream gets shattered, it makes people uneasy. Dream is just a short term measure to make one joyful, the moment you start to dream you yes you acquire happiness but when you get done with dreaming and come back in the normal live you will be in melancholy, just thinking I wish I have the stuffs that I saw in dream in reality as well. Before  I believed in the quote “ Our main business is not to see  what lies dimly at a distance but to do what lies clearly at hand” truly quoted right? My motto of life began with cherishing at the moment rather than dreaming about my just coming future. As long as I am happy now I would never bother to think about my future. BUT after quite an argument with Him I came to conclusion on positive note. Yes hear me, I was wrong about my earlier thinking.
Dream and future made a Complete so called LIFE. “HE” made me realize the gist of those words by questioning me why do you study right now? Just for future, why do we Skype? …… thinking to see each other sometimes latter in life, why do we eat? To live healthy life in future…bla bla bla..If one doesn’t have Dream, one will not be having precise ambition for future to makeup one’s beautiful life.  After having learned about  those three concepts I am pretty sure that I will be doing well from now in whatever steps and I want to achieve the most admirable seven letter word “ SUCCESS “in my life.
But before I wind up here I got to introduce “HE” who taught me the real meaning of the words, ‘HE’ is – his none other than my LOVE- Agay.I am pretty sure that you will be reading this article with a VERY BIG SMILE on your FACE thinking Angay your funny J lol…Anyways Thanx to you for you have taught me the lesson other than this concepts as well..I still remember you talking about being civilized and uncivilized and reminding me of my EGO time and often, now I bet you, my Ego have simply been tamed by you lol..& have changed to civilized lady … J

Thursday, December 30, 2010

GoNe Are ThoSe DaY's..!!!

I am going through hardtimes this days, I am having sleepless nights filled with Pains, Depressions and Prejudice..If its wrong to tell what's right, what m i suppose to do , all i want to do is speck my mind.Few question are striking my mind time and again...such as
Q.Am I that RUDE?
Q.If So Were did i go WRONG? etc...
Today I am really unable to judge WHO actually went "WRONG" 'they or me!!!
we met together walked the moments of joy and sorrow holding eachother, that wasn't Coinsidence neither by chance nor by luck, it was FATE and DESTINY, which i belive so hard... Now that the time has moved us apart, those controversies, misunderstanding and communication gap and other factor have effected the perfect destiny..           
Those days were good BUT now it feels like it was just a nightmare, things have simply contradicted, life has wronged me in terms of friendship, suitation had compled me to think so, infact the very word" CLOSED DOOR " really haunted me and is the reason why they all considere me as "PROVOKING FACTOR". Reminding me of my deeds with full of exgaration is all they got to do with me now.
As i am writing this article, i dont know why but its true that my eye's are filled with tear's and heart knotted,
"LOSER, SWAGGER FRIEND, SLAPPING OVER HER DIRTY FACE, RUDE, SHIT, MOOD LIKE WEATHER, IMPERFECT PERSON etc...were the the word they wrote about me.. Within just two semester people did made an effort to judge me whicH i kinda find it WEIRED. Some offender even landed up remainding me of my deeds without realizing that i too know her deeds as well. THANK YOU is all i can say to that someone though.
Now  i am not able to judge myself  as per their judgement for they have overextimated my feelings.
However with the end of this year(2010) i too want to end these controversies... i dont wana do this anymore. Recently my dad bought me one book by Dale Carnegle about "HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING" which perhaps resulted in changeing my attitude..In that book there was a content about "FINDING ONSELF", it goes like ...Find Yourself And Be Yourself ; Remember There  Is No One Else On Earth Like You... Even late Douglas Malloch in his poem said it;

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the vally --but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill'
Be the bush, if you can't be the tree.

If you can't be a bush, be a bit of the grass
And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie, then just be a bass--
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here.
There's a big work to do and there's lesser to do
And the task we must do is near.

If you can't be highway, then just be a trial,
If you can't be the sun, be the star;
It isn't by the size that you win or ypu fail--
Be the best of whatever you are!


Thus from the very day after i read the article i felt kind of relived. i simply want to bade farewell to those bitter memoirs and don't want to turn back for my feeling have been hurt, Compromise can always happen but my dear friends are so far, i can't reach to make an apology as well for things are all messed up... Sometimes i hate to say those above words but still have to for what my INNERSELF expresses by being MYSELF from here..
Somebody have truely quoted "lets never try to get even with our enemies, because if we do we will hurt ourself far more then we hurt them, the best solution is; lets never waste a minute thinking about ppl we don't like/vice-versa"